Monday, 29 November 2010

Music Video- Wrath

With wrath from the beginning I had this image of a flash of anger, and a breaking glass. Even throughout my research I kept this in mind. 

In Se7en the Wrath was Brad Pitt's character seeking revenge. The idea of revenge was appealing but I knew straight away that it would take up to much time for a song to establish the relationship then have it break down then the act of revenge take place.( Along with the other sins) I knew it wasn't realistic. 

When I looked up the meaning of Wrath as a sin and it states that it is uncontrollable anger which presents with self destructiveness and violence. 

The violence idea stuck in my head interlinking with the smashing of the glass. 

Whilst planning this I'd recently watched the social network which is a film based on the creation of facebook, Scala's song played on the trailer and the promotion of it had been incredible so it persuaded me to buy it. I then incorporated the idea that she would find out on facebook something about the figure of Lust so then it would be up to date with contemporary society as facebook seems to have taken over the internet and all other social networking sites. 

here's the themeboards I created of Wrath and Lust;

The idea of the glass breaking and the incorporation of facebook fuelled my storyboards and I came up with the final one shown below

Preparation for video shoot day 5 of 6

Compared to the other scenes that took lots of preparation and set building this room seemed perfect for the scene for Wrath as it is unexpected as you think of wrath as dark and mysterious, but I wanted to make the Envy scene seem really dark compared to this scene. 
The below pictures are of the room set up and ready just before filming. 

Call Sheet

The call sheets were very important in helping me stay on time and in keeping vital information like the local hospital and police station in an easily accessible format.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Music Video- Pride

Initial research in the film Se7en showed pride as "die pretty or live ugly". This is shown in a exaggerated way but it makes the point that pride is based on "love of self". 

When I think of Pride I think of a mirror and looking into it for days on end. I looked for images which showed this image I had. This perfectly depicts the image I had for Pride.

Here's the theme board I created for Pride featuring the girl who will be playing the part of Pride.

Below the figure of Lust will appear in the mirror, then disappear. 

The main planning took place within the storyboarding, as I just needed to plan the angles in which I'd be able to film into the mirror seeing the girl and the figure of lust without any of the equipment i.e. tripod, camera and lighting. 

Photo's of the Storyboard- 

Call Sheet 

Preparation of video shoot day 4 of 6

The room before I removed everything and cleaned the room. 

I moved everything out of the room and hovered, I tried the mirror where the alcohol is but decided on it in front of the curtains. 

The room set up and pictures of where the lighting is in terms of the camera to stop glare from the mirror. 

Friday, 26 November 2010

Music Video- Sloth

In the initial research the film Se7en shows sloth as a man who has been tied down to bed and left to decay for a year. When found he appears to be dead, but he is in fact alive.

My further research into Sloth I found that the meaning has changed over time. In the 17th century the meaning of Sloth was the failure to utilize ones talents and gifts. The more contemporary view goes further by seeing all laziness and indifference as a sin. 

My research also showed that Sloth is considered the least serious sin compared with the other sins.

a sin of omission than of commission.

I felt the older meaning of Sloth as a sin would be easier to portray than just laziness. Talent made me think of musical talent and thats where my planning began. 


I created a theme board with the picture of the girl who will feature as "Sloth" in this scene. 

From the themeboard the idea of wasted time and talent is what gave me the idea for the piece. 
The idea began with me thinking the girl would be playing saxophone and through editing i'd make it look like time was passing then she'd become frustrated and look up and there the figure of lust would be. It will be as if the thought of him makes her fail to utilize her talents. 

I created a storyboard for the idea with a saxophone. 
But then when I tried to book a room to film this scene in at school it was unavailable so I came up with a knew idea which would be easier to organize to film. This was with the girl playing a piano at a friends house rather than it being her playing a saxophone. The figure of lust is in the same way as above.

Here is the first storyboard (with a saxophone)- 

The Final one with the piano -

Preparation of the video shoot day 3 of 6


A friend allowed me to use his house and piano for this scene.   

This was the room before we removed everything and cleaned the floor and piano. 

These pictures show the room after the clean and me testing the lighting with the blinds closed but curtains open but then deciding that the lighting works better with the curtains closed. 

This was the other light set up to light up the girls face. 

For the girl to play piano and look believable for half an hour before we began filming the friend who owns the piano gave her some lessons in how to play and make it look as real as possible.

Call Sheet 

Monday, 22 November 2010

Music Video- Greed

From initial researching I found Greed had a big relation to money. So I went and researched the different types of Greed there is. 

From what I found there is three different types of Greed and that like Lust and Gluttony it is a sin of excess.
1) Wealth - money ( what the film Se7en showed)
2) Status
3) Power

As a secular psychological concept, greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.
Also out of the Bible's writings of Greed and the sins- it is seen as the desire to possess more than one needs in particular reference to material goods.

Out of all the types of Greed's I found I felt Materialistic Greed would be the most relative one to use in today's society as it is described as a materialistic one. Straight away the idea of materialism which a girl would have is shopping. So a desire to possess clothing to the point of excess. 
I'd recently seen a film confessions of a shopaholic, in which the main girl gets herself in so much debt from excess shopping that she has debt collectors after her. 

What I also lead me to using inter textual reference was that people would associate the film to the music video I am creating.

After watching this film and thinking of ideas that I would be able to do lead to the beginning of planning the actual section of the music video.


Firstly from the girls at sixth form I picked a girl I felt would look good on camera and be ideal for the part of Greed, I asked her and she said she would be able to do it for me.

I created a themeboard to begin the planning and help me collect my ideas together. I included a picture of the girl i would be using.


In the film confessions of a shopaholic her house is covered in clothes and there is a shoe box of receipts, and whilst going through the receipts the main character is going shots of alcoholic spirits. In the end there is debt collectors after her. 

Here is the themeboard of Lust I created with the figure of Lust's picture on it.

With the idea from confessions of a shopaholic I have to incorporate in Lust.

I wanted the room to be covered in clothes, boxes then a table full of receipts. Then the girl walks in through the front door with letters hanging out of the door. She sits down and fixes herself a drink. But not a spirit of pint glass of alcohol to show that she is an excessive person. Perhaps even incapable of doing things a reasonable amount such as shopping and drinking. She then goes and collects the letters hanging out of the door and goes through them. The letters are from debt collectors and shops that say she owes money. But then amongst all of the debt letters there is a blank one that has been posted through the door. It contains two pictures of her and the figure of lust. This leaves the audience in suspense unsure of who posted it through the door it is open to interpretation. 

Here is the storyboard I created to help me on the day to stay on track;

Preparation for the video shoot day 2 of 6

I decided to use my brothers house because it is an older slightly smaller house, I wanted it to look smaller because of all of her possessions. The message that she is willing to have a smaller house so she can buy more clothes. 

I had to create letters, save receipts, and get a bottle of alcohol that I can fill up with water to use. Also clothes and boxes as well as bags and shoes to be scattered around. 


These are letters whilst I was creating them. I made an evicted letter to show the real extent of her debt as the other debt collecting letters might not show up. I searched the internet real debt collecting companies so I could use the real names company and their logo. 

Here is pictures of some of the letters and finished envelopes. 

The link to lust is through the letters, heres the blank envelope used and the pictures that were in them.

For the receipts I just collected them over time, from my parents and my own spending. Luckily it had just been Christmas so there were lots of receipts to collect and keep. 

These are all the receipts on the table on the day of filming of this scene. 

Alcohol Bottle- 

When my parents finished a bottle of martini I thought it was an ideal drink to have as the "excess" as usually you mix it with lemonade but she just had it straight and in a pint glass emphasizes further the excess of it.  

The Clothes and Bags- 

As my household recycles bags finding them were easy I just had to ask my friends for some boxes which shoes come in. I used my mum's shoes and my own as well as our clothes and my friend lent me some dresses to use. I wanted the room to look overfilled so borrowing some clothes and bags helped. 

Call Sheet
I created a call sheet to help the actor I chose with finding the location and help me with the organisation of the day. Here is print screens of the call sheets from a publisher document. 

Creating the set on the day of filming.

When I arrived at the set I tidied up and took initial pictures from the angles I was going to shoot from. 

The next pictures are after I created the set with the lighting set up. 

The receipts with the martini bottle.

The room at a long shot showing all the clothing and boxes. 

I didn't want to hoover up because I wanted it to be messy. 

Here's the bigger lighting, these helped with the room and were worth the trouble of having to reset them after every shot.

All the shoes on the floor and the smaller light.