Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Digipack (CD)- Editing and Final Touch's.

Planning Editing
I have no previous experience using a photo shop program so my planning will be brief but I have a general idea for both photo's. But the editing will be a working progress, I will have to go to the local college to use the apple mac computers there as media and art students who attend there tell me it is a really good program that will make my photo's look as professional as possible.

For this photo, I'm going to attempt to lighten up the photo and perfect the model from any goosebumps of blemishes so she looks angelic. Then for the album name and band name I was going to put it on the left side of the photo. Ideally I would like the writing to be in handwriting type all joined up so it looks mature and sophisticated.

This photo, I am going to again perfect the model, but the name of the band and album doesn't have such an ideal place to go it will probably end up over the legs. But again I would like handwriting joined up, for the same reasons as above.  After research i saw the name of the band could be put in the same format as the band's previous album's "It all leads to this" and "Grenzenlos".

Before editing I need to decide what the actual writing will say so i referred back to the bands previous albums to help me decide. I also emailed the band in the same way i contacted them before for information on the inspiration behind there previous Album names.

This is the email i sent to them, looking for help of ideas on the album cover name. Waiting for the reply I continued to research their previous album names. They replied with this; 

It was less information than was on the site, but it was good of them to get back to me so quickly.

What i'm looking for is a theme in which i can follow so my album fits in with the other Scala and Kolacny Brother albums.

Circle- The name could have just been picked to fit in with the album cover picture which is circle of light, which looks in some ways like an eclipse. But when I clicked on the album information came up about the album. Most recent album- 2010. 

It says Circle refers to the long way the choir has accomplished and to the fact that it has returned to the initial concept of the early years of the band, which is doing covers of songs only with a grand piano and their voices. 

Dans Les Yeux D'aurore- translates to "In Dawn's Eyes".
This album was released exclusively in Belgium and was recorded in the memory of a Belgian- French speaking singer who died in 2002. 
‘Paper Plane’ stands for the light, pure and diaphanous angel voices soaring above Scala’s audience like a paper plane. The lead track itself expresses unconditional faith in life and love
Paper Plane- the album name stand for light, pure and diaphanous angel voices soaring above Scala's audiences like a paper plane.Pane’ stands for the light, pure and diaphanous angel voices soaring above Scala’s audience like a paper plane. The lead track itself expresses unconditional faith in life and love
One Winged Angel- on the website there is no indication what this means, personally when i think of one winged angel is an angel falling. One who has committed a sin and is being punished or no longer allowed in heaven. 

It all leads to this- 

Buses, airports
Trials, rehearsals, dressing rooms and concert halls.

The beauty of the voice

Distilling songs again and again
In search of their essence,
In search of that extra dimension

This is what the website says next to the album case, it is to me talking about singing and getting ready to perform. All the preparation leads to this, the album and in turn their success.

Respire, Dream on and On the rocks- all show a young girl, i felt my album picture could be the girl grown up and show the progression of the band. " Dream on" is named after the lead song which is an option for me i could call the album cover I've created after the song i'm using for the music video which is " With or without you". 

I decided to brainstorm words I thought firstly would fit in with my album cover then try and find a double meaning which I could relate band.

With the branch of leaves around her head I first brainstormed Angel to try and find different and more sophisticated words for it, also it has been noted man times that Scala's voice have been compared to angels, which would be ideal for the album cover.

So the name of the album is Seraphic which is an adjective of the word Seraph. Seraphic means "befitting of angels" which the audience should interpret Scala's singing voices are befitting of angels.

Back Cover of Digi Pack. 
I came up with two ideas for the back cover; 

My first is just a black background, so the writing would be in white. Simple but sophisticated was my thought with this.

Secondly, a picturesque scene of hills/ nature to tie in with the front which is nature based. So I decided to Google this to try and find a picture I felt was appropriate.

Whilst looking I decided i wanted an autumn scene, but the issue i came across was that they were to colourful so the back of the album cover would be more eye catching than the front. 

After this research i decided to go with the plain black back cover with white writing. For me this fits with the theme of my album cover and with all the scala albums as a collection. 

Also on the back of both the album and single I'm going to mention Scala's record label through a logo or name because this will allow consumers to associate the band with the record label as well as give the record label promotion. This is whats done on products within the real music industry and I want the digipak i've made to look as if it could be sold in HMV and other music shops. 

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